

Monday, April 27, 2009


I need to play catch-up with my blog ;)

This past weekend we actually got to be at home! It was awesome to not be super busy and to be in our own space. My mom did come Friday night and stayed until Saturday afternoon. We went through a TON of stuff and got rid of a lot for the big garage sale the first weekend of May. We both agreed that whatever left this house was NOT allowed to come back in! Our closet has so much more room now and we can actually store some of that stuff that has been taking up much needed living space.

But all this space will probably be short lived as we have another little person that will be living her in October. We're still trying to figure out the best way to re-arrange our bedroom to fit the crib. I want to be able to "do up" a corner for him/her. I feel bad that this new baby won't get their own room all decorated and personalized. Not that he/she will necessarily care but I do ;)

I'm still flip-flopping on what I want more: another boy or a little girl. Of course I have zero say in what it is as that is already decided but I still have my thoughts on the issue. ;)

Friday Petey & I went to the Electrical & Computer Engineering Awards Gala. It was the 100th anniversary so it was a pretty big deal. I met a few of his professors and some of his friends so now I can at least put a name to a face when he talks about these people. Some of the professors were at our table so we were able to talk some more with them. Petey was given a scholarship - I can't remember off the top of my head which one though...... They also had a former electrical engineer turned comedian there to wrap up the night. He was HILARIOUS!!

Saturday we finally made it back to Cornerstone. The last couple months we've been going to church wherever we happened to be for the weekend. It was Elliot's first time in the nursery, too. We've avoided putting him in the nursery, especially during cold/flu season, because of his higher risk of picking up germs. It paid off as he hasn't been sick this winter! Anyway, he LOVED it & had zero separation anxiety. He was so excited that mommy was actually letting him go with the lady he was flirting with! He was happy to see us afterward but he really didn't want to leave. He kept trying to climb over Petey's shoulder & see what was going on back there....it was pretty funny! He also got to eat some Cheerios while he was with them & apparently he LOVED them :) (we told them it was ok beforehand - no worries!)

Sunday morning Petey got up with Elliot - what a great hubby! Anyway, I woke up at 8 & freaked out because I thought Petey was going to have to leave for school. I rushed downstairs to find him lounging on the couch half dressed. Turns out I was convinced it was Monday & that he had to go to school BUT it was only Sunday. As soon as I realized that I trekked right back up to bed until 11:30 - it was FANTASTIC. We spent the rest of the day watching Lord of the Rings and vegging out. It POURED buckets here and I got soaked leaving Target - oh well. Elliot slept through the thunderstorms though so I can't complain too much!

Whew...sorry this got super duper long. Oh well.

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