

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Lesson in Sharing

The girls had a lesson in sharing the other day while eating a snack. I'm sure there are many, many, many more lessons like this one to come in the future but I happened to capture a few moments from this particular day. They love bowls and they love those little baby puffs. So, I put the two of them together and they were in heaven for awhile. Then they got greedy. Kailyn was grabbing 4, 5, 6 puffs at a time and effectively emptying the bowl. Adelyn would freak out, scream and then grab as many as she could the next time I filled the bowl. Then they would stare each other down while they ate. Then they started flipping the bowl and trying to crawl away with it. It was pretty hilarious until I remembered I would be cleaning little crushed puffs out of my carpets. Suddenly it was not cute anymore. Not at all.

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