

Thursday, June 10, 2010

December 2009

December, as you can imagine, was a crazy busy month. Here are some highlights and a few pictures:

-Elliot is 18 months old
-Hadley is 2 months old
-Elliot & Hadley go to Hilton for the first time - to watch the ISU women's VB team in the NCAA tournament
-Petey finishes up his last fall semester at ISU as an undergraduate
-I stopped pumping milk for Hadley
-Big preparations were made for our trip to California - this may have to be a post of it's own!
-Christmas celebrations with all of our families

Little Miss Hadley getting ready to go out & brave the cold! LOVE her little hat :)

We had some crazy snowstorms and blizzards. ISU actually shut down and gave Petey a day off from classes which was fantastic! This is just one picture - it doesn't show just how terrible it was. We lived in a protected alley too & we still were buried in.Elliot & Hadley hanging out before bed. She isn't much smaller than her big brother!

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