

Sunday, December 13, 2009


"Elliot, may I have a kiss?"

This is one of my favorite questions to ask my mini-man. For a couple months now he's been giving 'kisses' away with no resistance. We're still working on hugs but he LOVES giving kisses & Mommy loves taking them :)

Of course his kisses aren't like yours or mine. When asked for a kiss he leans his forehead towards your mouth for YOU to kiss him - I'm pretty sure he has no idea how to give kisses in the traditional sense but I love it anyway!

He's so sweet with his little sister. Several times a day he puts his forehead on her head and gives her 'kisses'. We didn't teach him this at all - it's just something he started doing suddenly a couple weeks ago. It's just one of the many sweet things he does to & for her but it melts my heart everytime!

1 comment:

Jenny Clements said...

that is so cute! i cant wait for ava's kisses!!!!